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Arterium Corporation cares about patients in many ways. Our company develops, produces, and puts on the market high-quality, effective medicinal products that provide a healthy, long, and more productive life. At present, Arterium’s portfolio includes drugs, dietary supplements, medical products, and veterinary medicines. The Arterium brand covers 291 name-brand products in 11 pharmacotherapeutic groups. Our company’s main areas are antimicrobial products, cardiovascular drugs, and medicines for the nervous system, digestive system, dermatology, urology, endocrinology, and veterinary medicines. All of Arterium’s production facilities are GMP certified, which guarantees the production of quality drugs. We take pride in our modern Research and Development Center. It employs over 180 specialists, including 8 Ph.Ds. The Center is outfitted with up-to-date analytical and technological equipment for product development. Over the past 5 years, the Center has developed 68 products; today nearly 170 new products are under development.

291 name-brand products

11 pharmacotherapeutic groups




Arterium is concerned with the safety of patients using pharmaceutical medicines. Through being proactive, through constant monitoring, the collection and analysis of information, the pharmacovigilance system keeps the instructions for medicine use current, which facilitates patient safety and lessens the chances for a medicine’s ineffectiveness when used for therapeutic purposes. Authorized pharmacovigilance specialists are available 24/7 to receive information from consumers and medical specialists on ineffectiveness or side effects from Arterium medicines. The company reviews all the appeals it receives from medical specialists and consumers, responds to them, and when necessary takes actions to prevent unwanted effects in the future.



According to Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, over 80% of deaths in Ukraine are caused by diseases of the circulatory system, tumors, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and diabetes. These diseases can often be prevented by changing one’s lifestyle. Not observing basic dietary standards or maintaining a regimen of physical activity, not following road safety rules, as well as harmful habits can all lead to numerous diseases and premature death. The average life expectancy for Ukrainian men is 67, and for women — 77. This is much lower than in other European countries. Not knowing the causes of diseases and a lack of prevention mechanisms has a negative effect on the course illnesses take and on the results of medical treatment. In addition to providing effective, upto-date medicinal products, Arterium supports patients through educational programs. The main topics of Arterium’s educational programs include the prevention and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and also the responsible use of antibiotics.


Online school “Start Today”

It’s well known that a proper diet and physical activity can prevent diabetes, but it can also decrease the risk of developing complications in those who already have the disease. The “Start Today” program is targeted toward people with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes. The program involves online diabetes school, webinars with specialists, educational materials (videos, articles), and online consultations with specialists. The school can also benefit people without diabetes but who have high blood sugar levels (prediabetes), as well as health care professionals, who can recommend the program to their patients for further education. The “Start Today” program is developed by a team of health care specialists, including endocrinologists, dietitians, and psychotherapists. As of 2018, almost 7,000 Ukrainians have attended the school.


Antibiotic resistance

In 2018 Arterium launched several social projects aimed at lessening the problem of antibiotic resistance. The goal of our campaign is to call attention to and spread knowledge about the rational use of antibiotics. The resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics has become extremely critical on a global scale. International organizations are constantly watching the situation. Across the world, path - ogens are being monitored in various medical institutions, and the WHO publishes the data in its annual report. Arterium began the first large-scale study of antibiotic resistance in Ukraine in 2018. The research project involves analyzing data on the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics in various regions of Ukraine and creating an antibiotic resistance map. This information will help doctors select the most effective antibiotics when treating patients with hospital-acquired infections, especially in the case of serious infections. With access to the most current data about particular microorganisms’ sensitivity to antibiotics, doctors can prescribe effective and rational antibiotic therapy to save patients with life-threatening infections. To inform people about the problem of incorrect antibiotic use, Arterium started an educational campaign aimed at patients. These days more and more people are treating themselves based on advice from the Internet or friends. It’s important to understand that the instructions for a given medication provide general information, while only a doctor can determine the whole complex of interactions and influence of antibiotics in each individual case. To debunk widespread myths among patients, Arterium created a video with doctors’ suggestions on antibiotic treatments. Patients received answers from specialists to the following questions: Why should you follow the prescribed rules for taking antibiotics? What will happen if you don’t? What is antibiotic resistance and why is it dangerous? Over several months these videos on Youtube were seen by almost 200,000 viewers. In addition, in cooperation with the pharmacy chain “Dobroho dnia,” we distributed nearly 900,000 pamphlets explaining how to use antibiotics properly.



Active lifestyle

Projects promoting active and healthy lifestyle

What You Should Know

How to prevent common diseases